Monday, July 18, 2011

What my last post really should have been titled

I last wrote about how my breast milk supply has been dwindling. I still am continuing to eat the oatmeal and take the milk thistle and drink the Mother's Milk Tea, but a friend of mine asked me a question that should change the title of that post. Are you eating enough calories? I first answered 'of course!'.....then I actually thought about what I had had to eat that day. A bowl of oatmeal and a few grilled chicken pieces. At that point it was already 7pm. So NO, I was not eating enough. The next day I made it a point to eat every 3 hours and to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. By that night I was already pumping more than the day before. Right now I am consistently pumping 3.5-4 oz every 3 1/2 hours. I'd still like to increase that, if possible, to 5 oz so I will continue the supplements and the tea. If you are breast feeding, you need to consume 300-500 additional calories to what was needed to maintain your pre-pregnancy weight. That's really only 1-2 healthy snacks a day.
Instead of Remembering to just breathe ... the post should have been titled Remembering to just EAT!!!

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