Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tip of the Week #4 - Multi-tasking

I know that this tip probably goes without saying, but multi-tasking is how I get through my day and I how I keep my house looking 'decent'. While Baby M sleeps, I sweep, clean the sink and fold a load of laundry and reorganize the baby gear in the living room. Everything may not be done perfectly and completely, but it does get done and quickly.

*while microwaving that bag of popcorn in the evening, instead of staring at the microwave take those 3 minutes to put dishes away, wipe down the counter or take out the trash. A lot can be accomplished in 3 minutes!

*before throwing that dirty towel in the laundry, dampen it and clean the bathroom floor.

*same goes for a dirty sock or that shirt you wore today, use it to dust your end tables and dresser. I'm totally not joking! I do it all the time.

*as you cook, clean! It's better than waiting till the end when you have a sink full of dirty dishes and a messy kitchen!

My only point today is DO WHAT YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN! It doesn't matter how it gets done, as long as it gets done.


  1. I love this topic. My favorite is to clean the bathroom while the kids take a bath. Last step is to clean the floor with the mess of water that they left while in the bath.

  2. HI JILL!!!! (Sharleanna here!)
    yes that is what I have started doing as well. My other one is putting the dishes away from the dishwasher while Babygirl is eating breakfast :) Hope you are good!!
