Monday, June 20, 2011

Increasing Milk Supply

I've recently started pumping a couple times a day. Because of Baby M's spit up problem I've read that you can add 1tsp of formula to 3oz of breastmilk. Now D and I are dead set against giving Baby M formula, we both strongly believe that 'breast is best'. However, since Baby M spits up so much (up to 20 times a day) I reseached ways to increase the calories in breast milk. Adding 1 tsp to 3oz of breast milk will increase the calories from 20 calories an ounce to 24. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I was hoping it would work. And I was very careful with the type of formula I bought, we ended up buying a formula made from goat's milk. (trying to keep Baby M away from dairy and soy is overprocessed these days.) The funny thing is that Baby M, is actually having an easier time keeping this down. I'm not sure if it's because the milk is now a tiny bit thicker or heavier? But his spitting up has decreased to less than 6 times a day. Plus he's gained weight!
Now back to increasing milk supply, since I'm pumping and only breastfeeding during the night, both D and I are afraid that my milk supply will dwindle. Breastfeeding stimulates the milk supply more than pumping ever will, so before this happens, if it does, I started taking Fenugreek. Fenugreek is a natural herb that is known to increase milk supply. And it does! I started taking it 3 days ago (2 pills, 3 times a day) and I've already noticed an increase while I pump! I also noticed a hilarious side effect. To know that you are taking the correct dosage, they say that your sweat and urine start to smell like maple syrup. I laughed at this, because well seriously?! I am hear to say that my sweat now smells a bit like maple syrup. ha ha

Have you tried anything to increase your milk supply?

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